

Registration We are sorry, the registration is closed! However, we are pleased to inform you, that we can offer you access to a moderated live stream as well as the possibility to exchange, network and discuss with participants from all over the world in dedicated online meeting rooms. If you would like to take advantage…

AWS Solutions Expo

Discover Innovations:Be part of the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT Solutions Expo 2024 On June 20, 2024, Arnold Schwarzenegger will invite high-ranking national and international guests to his annual climate conference, the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT (AWS), at the Vienna Hofburg for the eighth time. This year’s motto: “Be Useful: Tools for a Healthy Planet”. In keeping with…

Welcome 2024

Thank You for Making the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT 2024 Unforgettable! We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for this incredible event. Whether you were with us in person or joined us online from around the world, your presence and support made all the difference. We are especially proud to announce…


Be Useful: Tools for a Healthy Planet June 20th 2024 “Be Useful: Tools for a Healthy Planet” was the theme of the 8th AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT on 20th 2024. Alongside the current geopolitical situation, the ecological challenges seem to be fading into the background. This is fatal because ecological and climate-related disasters and issues often…


Speakers 2024 Presenters Matt Iseman Nadja Bernhard Hannelore Veit Barbara Meier


20|06|24, Hofburg Vienna BE USEFUL: TOOLS FOR A HEALTHY PLANET “There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours,” Jean-Paul Sartre once said. We are facing a multitude of new and difficult challenges. The world is facing increasingly complex conflicts and crises. Alongside the current geopolitical situation, the ecological challenges seem to be…